February 3, 2021

QMS Accreditation Manager is comprehensive online software for managing, monitoring, controlling, and correcting all aspects of a management system and its requirements related to accreditation. The individual modules make it easy to navigate and manage every detail for your accreditation.  The easy-to-use interfaces allows access based on a customer’s needs.

The Document Management module allows you to control both internal and external documents, store and access documents electronically, control authorization for editing, upload revisions and archive previous versions, track review dates, provide access to all staff, and manage the document review process.

The Training Management module allows for the assignment, tracking, and evaluation of training. Both OJT and formal training can be tracked. Auditors will be impressed with the features showing in progress, completed, and validated training, along with the details of the training and the completion dates.

The Corrective Actions module allows the management of preventive and corrective actions, from tracking the assignment, and setting due dates, to documenting the details, root cause analysis process, and follow-up. The module walks you through each step in the process to ensure all requirements are met, and lets you see immediately which Corrective actions are due or past due. You can also assign tasks to others within the module.

The Audit Management module keeps records of your internal or external audits, and lets you design a custom audit based on the criteria you specify, assign audit tasks, and generate audit reports.

The Meeting Management module tracks internal meetings, such as Management Reviews, including attendance, assignment of tasks, and tracking of outstanding issues.  It can also help ensure you cover all required topics as prescribed by ISO standards.

The Pending Actions module keeps track of all the assigned tasks from the other modules in addition to allowing assignment of tasks, setting due dates, recording notes and progress, and remaining active until the resolution of a task.

Finally, the Asset Manager keeps track of inventory, including location and cost, and provides detailed and summary reports for easy viewing.

Check out the free demo on our website (https://proficiency.org/Services/QMS-Navigator) and see for yourself how this new product would simplify the processes in your lab.